Social Engineering Talk Comes To Manchester NUKSG

2 February 2011

Organisations can have the best technical security controls in the world, from the most expensive firewall to the most sophisticated biometrics, but they will not protect against a social engineering attack.

When you combine both social engineering and traditional hacking techniques, you have a very dangerous attack. Social engineering attacks can have disastrous consequences, both financially and reputationally.

In any security programme people are the weakest link. Performing a social engineering test on an organisation gives a good indication of the effectiveness of current physical security controls and the staff's level of security awareness. But once you have decided to perform a social engineering test, where do you start?

How do you actually conduct a social engineering test? The talk will address the practical aspects of performing a social engineering attack, providing plenty of war stories from a social engineer. The key to preventing social engineering attacks from being successful lies in education and awareness.

This talk will promote social engineering awareness amongst the audience and give an insight into the techniques and methods used by social engineers, whether as part of an ethical social engineering test or as a malicious social engineering attack.

See us at the Northern UK Security Group (NUKSG) on Monday 28th February 2011 -