The Future of Social Engineering @ HACK.LU

15 October 2012

Social engineering is hitting the headlines more than ever. As computer security becomes more sophisticated, hackers are combining their technical expertise with social engineering to gain access to IT infrastructures and critical information.

In any security programme people are the weakest link. It can often be easier and quicker to target the end user than using technical hacking techniques. When you combine both social engineering and traditional hacking techniques, you have an extremely dangerous attack.

So what's next on the social engineering agenda? What are the emerging trends and what social engineering techniques might we expect to see in the future? Come and hear our talk next week at HACK.LU and we will give an overview of the types of social engineering attacks people have used throughout the ages.

From the tricks used by the classic conmen of the past to the phishing attacks that are at an all time high, and the proliferation of social networking and how useful this is to social engineers, we will describe some of the new social engineering techniques and trends that are emerging and discuss war stories from our experience of social engineering, describing techniques used to gain access to sensitive information.